There was a great response to the offer of free previews of The Oracles of Troy. Unfortunately there could only be five winners and these will receive their e-book prizes shortly. I will also try to contact all those who didn’t win, as I’m very grateful for the offers of help I’ve received.
As a matter of interest there were two female winners and three males, coming from the UK, USA and India. This is only a short post, but I’m hoping to add something later in the week. This will be the original Prologue from King of Ithaca, which ended up on the cutting room floor. As it includes the first words I ever wrote in the series I’ve always had a soft spot for it and hope others might enjoy it too.
cant wait for this new book. david gemmell and yourself are the only authors i read these days. was over the moon when i discovered you were writing again. long may it continue my friend.
Thanks Steven. Really pleased you’ve enjoyed the series so far.