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Read the original prologue to King of Ithaca

Prologues were first used in Greek drama (prologue comes from the Greek pro – before – and logos – word) and have featured in all kinds of media ever since. Their uses include setting the tone for the story that is to follow, portraying a scene that wouldn’t fit easily anywhere else, or, perhaps most commonly, providing back-story. At other times they offer a glimpse of a key event that is designed to disorientate and intrigue the audience. The prologue to Donna Tarrt’s Secret History is a prime example of this: in a mere two pages the reader witnesses the aftermath of what was meant to be the perfect murder, and sees how it is already starting to go wrong. This type of prologue usually leaves the reader with a sense that something is missing, forcing them to keep reading if they are to fill the gap that has been left.

The prologue to King of Ithaca was a more simple offering, intended to offer perspective on the epic events that would follow. In the end I decided to leave it out (mainly because my publisher had asked for the word count to be reduced), but if you’re interested in reading the original opening to my Odysseus series then drop me an e-mail using the Contact page and I’ll send it to you. I’ll also keep you advised of how things are going with the rest of the series, such as the launch date for the e-book of The Oracles of Troy (not long now) and my plans for a print version.

Any comments or thoughts on the prologue would be welcome.

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