

Below is a summary of some of the main characters in my books.  If you haven’t read the first three books in the series, beware of plot spoilers.



Status: Prince of the Myrmidons and the greatest warrior in the Greek army.

Significant others: His friend and lover, Patroclus; his immortal mother, Thetis.

Characteristics: Recklessly brave glory seeker.  His mother dipped him in the River Styx as a baby making him impervious to any wound – except in the heel by which Thetis held him.  During the war, he receives a set of magnificent armour made by Hephaistos, the smith god.  But it isn’t enough to protect him from his doom.

Most famous for: Killing Hector and dragging his body seven times around the walls of Troy, tied to the back of his chariot.



Status: King of Mycenae and leader of the Greek army.

Significant others: His younger brother, Menelaus; His wife, Clytaemnestra.

Characteristics: Not satisfied with being the most powerful man in Greece, he uses the “kidnap” of Helen as a convenient excuse to make war on his greatest rival – Troy.

Most famous for: Falling out with Achilles over a slave girl.



Status: Goddess of Wisdom.

Significant others: Her father, Zeus; her favourite Greek, Odysseus.

Characteristics: Fervent virgin, more masculine than feminine in outlook.  She usually wears a helmet, her aegis and carries a spear.  She can disguise herself as a mortal, but usually with similar features to her divine appearance.  Like all gods, she tends to play games with the lives of men.  Favours the Greeks, particularly Odysseus.

Most famous for: Springing fully formed (and armed!) from the head of Zeus at birth.



Status: Captain of the Ithacan Royal Guard. Odysseus’s most trusted friend.

Significant others: Lover, Astynome.

Characteristics: A warrior born and bred.  Seeks glory in battle.  Fiercely loyal to Odysseus.  Despises his father for a traitor and regicide, hoping to face him in battle and wipe away the stain on his family’s honour.

Most significant event: Received supernaturally powerful senses after being restored to life by the goddess Athena.

Great Ajax


Status: King of Salamis.

Significant others: Himself; his cousin, Achilles.

Characteristics: Giant in stature with huge fists and a fearsome expression, Ajax is a born fighter who relies upon brute strength rather than skill in battle.  He is proud and not afraid of offending the gods – to his ultimate loss.

Most famous for: His madness and his suicide.



Status: Prince of Troy and the greatest warrior in the Trojan army.

Significant others: His wife, Andromache; his infant son, Astyanax

Characteristics: A king in the making, he bears the burden of defending Troy – and his beloved family – from the Greek invaders, holding them at bay for ten years.  Until he faces Achilles in battle.

Most famous for: Killing Patroclus and incurring Achilles’s wrath.



Status: Princess of Troy, formerly queen of Sparta.

Significant others: First husband, Menelaus; second husband, Paris

Characteristics: With black hair, blue eyes and fair skin, her beauty is prized by many.  But she hates being used as a political pawn and dreams of true love and freedom.  She finds this, briefly, with Paris, but is quickly imprisoned again when the Greeks lay siege to Troy.

Most famous for: Running away with Paris and causing the Trojan War.



Status: King of Sparta.

Significant others: His wife, Helen; his older brother, Agamemnon

Characteristics: A fair and decent man to start with, the loss of his wife and the long years of the war harden and embitter him.

Most famous for: Laying siege to Troy for ten years to get his wife back.



Status: King of Ithaca.  Commands twelve ships in the Greek fleet.  Of limited wealth and power, but valued for his resourceful intelligence. Favoured by Athena.

Significant others: Wife, Penelope; son, Telemachus

Characteristics: With his triangular physique, short legs and red hair, he is not the image of a typical Greek hero.  But his intelligence, cunning and limited scruples help him succeed where more hard-headed warriors fail.  A home-loving family man, he will do anything in his power to end the war and return to Ithaca.

Most famous for: Devising the idea of the Trojan Horse. His ten-year journey home from Troy to Ithaca.



Status: Prince of Troy.

Significant others: His wife, Helen.

Characteristics: Dark, bearded and muscular with a pink scar crossing his face, Paris is not the fop of legend.  Instead he is a renowned warrior turned reckless lover, prepared to risk war with Greece for the sake of Helen’s beauty.

Most famous for: When challenged to choose who was the most beautiful between Aphrodite, Athena and Hera he chose Aphrodite, earning her favour but incurring the wrath of the other two.  Aphrodite’s bitter-sweet reward was Helen.  Later, Paris shoots Achilles with an arrow and kills him.



Status: Queen of Ithaca.

Significant others: Her husband, Odysseus; her son, Telemachus.

Characteristics: Faithful wife, protective mother and loyal queen.  Penelope is a match for Odysseus in cunning and has to use every ounce of it to protect her husband’s kingdom from treacherous nobles while he is away.

Most famous for: Keeping the suitors at bay while Odysseus is believed dead, most notably through her promise to choose one of them when she had finished sewing a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes (which she then unpicked every night).